Frequently Asked Questions
Why was the Per Diem/Meal Allowance reduced?
Per Diem/Meal Allowance amounts are determined by times of travel. The most common reasons for a reduction in Per Diem/Meal Allowance are:
- The traveler was not eligible for the amount based on the times of travel
- Out-of-state amounts were used for in-state travel
- Meals were provided at a conference/meeting
Why was my travel reimbursement reported as taxable income?
The Internal Revenue Service requires travel reimbursements that are not submitted within 60 days of the completion of travel to be reported as taxable income. The 60 day clock begins the day travel is completed and the clock stops when the travel voucher is received in the Comptroller’s Office.
If reasonable justification for the late submission of the travel voucher exists, the traveler can submit a Reasonable Justification for Late Submission of Travel Expenses form. This form can be found on the Office of the Comptroller’s website under travel forms. The completed form should be signed by the employee, the fiscal agent, and submitted with the travel voucher.
Approval of the exception request will be determined within IRS guidelines. Valid exceptions include situations of unforeseen circumstances prohibiting the submission within 60 days, such as illness, acts of nature, etc. Loss of receipts, inadequate staffing, or workload are not permitted exceptions.
What is the policy for travel crossing fiscal years?
When business travel at fiscal year-end crosses into the new fiscal year, all travel expenses will be paid from the fiscal year in which the travel began.
What if I choose to drive versus fly to a destination?
Travel must be by the most economical mode available considering travel time, costs, number of persons traveling together, and work requirements. If the cost of driving exceeds the cost of flying, the reimbursement will be limited to the cost of flying. For information on how to calculate the cost comparisons please contact Carla Dietsch preferably at least one month before the travel begins.
Where is my reimbursement?
Travel vouchers are processed in the order received. During high volume periods, reimbursements will take longer to process. However, if you have not received your reimbursement within a couple of weeks, contact your department to verify the date the voucher was submitted to the Comptroller’s Office. Vouchers missing information necessary to complete it for payment will be held until the information is received. The traveler and/or office staff will be contacted when additional information is needed.