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Travel must be by the most economical mode available considering travel time, costs, number of persons traveling together, and work requirements. In addition, one employee cannot be reimbursed for another employee's travel expenses regardless of who paid for the expense. Each employee must list the expenses for their travel on their own travel voucher.


  • The mileage rate is 70 cents per mile effective January 1, 2025.
  • Travelers choosing to use their personal vehicles for business travel may see a reduction on the mileage reimbursement when a more economic mode of transportation was available.Before using a personal vehicle for business travel, travelers should compare the cost of a flight, rental vehicle and gas, fleet vehicles, Amtrak, and Peoria Charter.
  • Mileage will be payable to only one of 2 or more individuals traveling in the same vehicle. The names of the individuals should be included on the voucher.
  • Auto mileage needs to be the most direct route.
    • Expenses due to deviations for convenience shall be borne by the employee.
  • If claimed mileage is greater than the most direct route, a note needs to be included with an explanation for the excess mileage.
  • Commuting miles are not reimbursable regardless of the day of the week (see handout).
  • Addresses of destinations should be attached to the voucher.
  • Eligible parking expenses should be listed under the other expenses column.
  • Drive vs. Fly - for those choosing to drive when airfare would be the least costly alternative, please call for instructions prior to making travel arrangements.


  • Coach fare is reimbursable. Business fare and/or accommodations are not reimbursable.
  • Government Business Rate available:
    • Monday - Friday: Between Bloomington & Chicago - $16 one way ; between Springfield and Chicago $24
    • The Government Business Rate can only be obtained by ISU employees and only used for ISU business travel.
    • Reimbursements may be limited to government business rate Monday - Friday if traveler does not attempt to obtain the government rate.
  • The Government Business Travel Rate is not available on the Internet or by phone. This rate can only be obtained at the Amtrak ticket office by asking for the Government Business Travel Rate. Please note that you may be asked for your employee identification when purchasing your ticket at the ticket office and when presenting your ticket on the train.
  • Free long term parking for transit patrons is available on the top floor of the College Avenue Deck only. For more information see Parking in Uptown.


  • Coach/basic economy fare is reimbursable.
  • If travel is outside the United States and funded through a grant in RSP, confirm the flight meets the Fly America Act for federal grants.
  • Please contact Carla Dietsch for information on airfare that will include personal days of travel.
  • Both the itinerary and proof of payment should be submitted with the travel voucher.
  • Seat selection, early boarding, travel protection, etc. are not reimbursable. Some airlines are now offering different classification of Economy tickets at a higher cost. A portion of these will not be reimbursable if they include early boarding, seat selection, etc.
  • When comparing the costs of airfare, please take into consideration the additional mileage and parking costs that may be associated with flying out of another city.
  • One checked bag each way is reimbursable (list under other expenses).

Taxis, Shuttles, Metro

  • Transportation to procure meals is not reimbursable.
  • When seeking reimbursement for Metro expenses, any unused Metro expense is not reimbursable. The unused portion can be used on a later trip and claimed at that time. Please include a statement if the entire Metro expense was used for the current trip.
  • Taxis, shuttles, and Metro expenses are listed under other expenses on the travel voucher.

Car Rentals

  • Rental cars are reimbursable if they are necessary to conduct business and are approved by the department.
  • Maximum size of rental is mid-size/intermediate. If a larger size is needed, a detailed explanation should to be included.
  • Optional insurance, Fuel Service Option, GPS, etc. are not reimbursable.
  • Employees should refuel rented vehicles prior to returning them to the rental location.
  • Car rentals and gas expenses are listed under the other expense column.
  • For possible discounted rates and/or rates that include a free Loss Damage Waiver in the United States please visit the services section of the travel website.
  • Please remember that the State of Illinois Auto Liability Plan will only respond if the employee was on travel status and performing employment-related duties at the time of the accident. It is recommended that you also carry your personal automobile insurance card while traveling.
  • Make a reservation

Fleet Vehicles

  • If you used a fleet vehicle, please indicate "fleet" in Box 7 of the travel voucher.
  • Eligible parking expenses will be listed under the other expenses column.

Department Vehicles

  • If you use a department vehicle for your travel, please indicate "department vehicle" in Box 7 of the travel voucher.
  • Eligible parking expenses will be listed under the other expenses column.